A.I.R. Down


Project supported by “il nodo antidiscriminazione Turin”.
AIR DOWN arranges 4 informative free meetings for parents about rights of children and youth with special needs during their education at school.

  • brief introduction about Italian scholastic inclusion: main principles
  • summary (with slides e materials in the main languages spoken by students in our area) about D.I. n. 182/2020 carrying out D.Lgs. n. 66 from 2017:
    a) Individualized Education Plan: what is it and why it is an essential tool for inclusion;
    b) who has to support its processing and periodic and final check;
    c) schedules;
    d) operative actions;
    – detailed explanation of IEP model (in multilingual versions): its contents, the main parts parents are involved in and the sections which require a greater competence and awareness from their part
  • question time: time reserved to parents for questions. Questions will be directly submitted to teachers, pedagogues, lawers, educators
  • Parents will have the possibility to be supported by cultural mediators who will help to translate the answers in common languages more used in the schoold in our area: English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Albanian, Romanian

26th September 2023 RIVOLI – Centro Congressi – Via Dora Riparia 2
28th September 2023 NICHELINO – Sede Centro Grosa – Via Galimberti Tancredi 3
2nd October 2023 MONCALIERI – Centro Polifunzionale – Via Santa Maria 27
3rd October 2023 TORINO – Sede CPD – Corso Unione Sovietica 220/D

FROM 20.30 TO 22.30
